Giving to Projects 2024

We have a matching fund challenge – with a difference!

A generous donor has pledged £12,500 this autumn to part-fund some of our plans for the next 12 months, with a vision to see this matched by others – can you help us find the rest of the resources needed?




1. Most of our work is in partnership with volunteers and other organisations across the world, but our small CORE TEAM are needed to coordinate and manage the projects. This autumn we are looking to match the donor’s gift to enable us to:

  • employ a BMB to take care of our finances
  • expand the work of our Courses and Training team

To help us matchfund our core team, give via PayPal here:

 Other ways to give - click here


2. As we plan our 2024 PROJECTS, we are looking to matchfund the donor's gift for our work in our tracks. This may include:


  • catalytic initial CFM workshops in e.g. Tanzania, Nigeria, Chad, Turkey and more, so that local training teams can take it forward
  • mentoring key new BMB authors to write books, and then to publish their books
  • new translations of CFM in languages where the translation partners cannot cover all the cost themselves
  • further improvements to our GrowSpace app for smartphones enabling new languages and user functions
  • complete technical work in subtitling the Joining the Family videos into other languages to support churches across the world

To help us matchfund one of these projects:

Give in the UK via Stewardship

Give in the UK or internationally via PayPal

Other ways to give - click here


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