Innovative in Building Bridges within BMB Communities

18th Nov 2023

Innovative in Building Bridges within BMB Communities

God has also called us to be INNOVATIVE – no other organisation we know is bringing together the different areas our tracks cover, focused on partnering within the BMB global community. This is not merely a strategic move; it's a reflection of our dedication to creating a cohesive and supportive network for those on the transformative journey from Islam to Christianity.

Brother A in Turkey explained: We feel lonely when religious holidays come up, as we can only hold small gatherings. But we remember that Mary and Joseph had the first Christmas, and it was more similar to us than the way it is now celebrated in the west! In my country BMBs are expected to celebrate Ramadan etc with their community. There’s a pressure on couples of how much to take part. The family know and we know that we are different. Do we eat the sacrificial meat? Do we pray together with them? How do we explain these differences to our children?

The complexities faced by BMBs extend beyond celebrations and are indeed more profound and nuanced. Our Hikma track is working with BMB-led organisations to bring together BMB writers and researchers with editors and mentors. This collaborative effort seeks to establish a platform where diverse voices can contribute to a shared narrative, enriching the understanding of the challenges faced by BMBs globally.

Looking ahead, the Marriage Panel next year will give us an extended time to listen to BMBs explore together the challenges faced in marriage and family life, like those expressed by brother A. We recognize that these challenges are nuanced and context-dependent, and our aim is to intricately weave together diverse experiences from across the globe. By examining key issues, we seek to delve into thoughtful considerations on how the church can play a pivotal role in providing meaningful support and guidance in navigating these varied circumstances.

Anticipating tangible outcomes, we expect research papers, articles, and a book emerging from these collaborative discussions, which will thenserve as the research base for new discipleship courses and resources, aiming to bridge the gaps and provide practical support to BMBs navigating the complexities of their faith journey.

And so, we urge you to join us in prayer. The call to be innovative is not just a strategy; it's a commitment to fostering understanding, unity, and support within the diverse landscape of BMBs worldwide. Together, let us navigate our faith and celebrate the richness that diversity brings to our shared journey.