Multiplication in the Horn of Africa

18th Oct 2021

Multiplication in the Horn of Africa

Most of our resources are translated when people living in different contexts ask about using our materials in their language.

We have been praying for one particular translation of Come Follow Me in a country in the Horn of Africa for a while: it began a few years ago, but the contact leading the translation work moved on before the project was completed.

At the beginning of 2021, different individuals in this country began asking for the translation to be completed. We were able to form a team across local churches and some internal organisations, all of whom will be able to use the translation with their contacts. In September the WoL team met with them for the final 'sign off' before printing.

Alongside this, some church and organisation leaders attended Advisor Training on Zoom. There is now a group of advisors ready to run Come Follow Me with their contacts in their own language. We also trained some of them further to become facilitators, equipped to run Advisor Training themselves. They have already arranged (and started to deliver) a series of Advisor Training workshops in their country and in their own language.

This combination of translating the materials alongside the training of advisors and facilitators means that in this country CFM can now expand rapidly and be used widely.

Praise the Lord for His provision of resources, and His timing in bringing everything together through this year!