Giving Event 2023

Across the world God is at work bringing people from other faith backgrounds into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Today more Muslims are becoming Christ’s followers than ever before in history. These new believers need mentors in Christ to encourage and guide them and a community in Christ alongside their Muslim community. With transformed lives, they will have an impact in their societies. The world church has much to learn from them.

Our vision is for new believers from a Muslim heritage to grow from first steps into a mature faith, becoming disciples and disciple-makers.

We believe God has called us to be STRATEGIC – this is an exciting time in history for the movement from Islam to Christ.

God has also called us to be INNOVATIVE – no other organisation we know is bringing together the different areas our tracks cover, focused on partnering within the BMB global community.

Our ministry has a MULTIPLYING EFFECT, because nearly everything we do involves partnerships which enable us to complete more working together. 

This autumn, we are looking for new partners to help us respond to the opportunities God is giving us. Our tracks are growing fast and we need support to continue to develop our people, processes and partnerships in 2024 and beyond.


 How to get involved

1. We are looking for 20 new regular monthly donors to help support and grow Word of Life’s ministry through the next few years.

Could you give £20 / £30 / £50 a month into our general funds, to support our team and projects flexibly where it’s most needed?  Regular giving enables us to concentrate on developing partnerships and keep our support processes working efficiently.

 FIND OUT MORE about options for monthly giving here.

2. We have a matching fund challenge – with a difference!


A generous donor has pledged £12,500 this autumn to part-fund some of our plans for the next 12 months, with a vision to see this matched by others – can you help us find the rest of the resources needed? 

Most of our work is in partnership with volunteers and other organisations across the world, but our small CORE TEAM are needed to coordinate and manage the projects. 

As we plan our 2024 PROJECTS, we are looking to matchfund the money given for our work in the tracks. 

FIND OUT MORE about the projects we are planning in 2024 here.

To hear more about the work of our tracks, you are also invited to join our Partners Zoom on 11 November.





Register here to receive the Zoom link.

Thank you

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Cor 12:5,6

We know that our friends and partners contribute to this vision in many ways, and we’re grateful for all those who join us in prayer, volunteering their time, energy or expertise, and in sharing our work and resources with others. Will you join us at this time in praying that God raises up financial supporters who can help us fund this work now and into the future? 

If you do not currently receive our regular e-news, please sign up at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement – the team appreciate it.