
BMB Perspectives on Marriage

11th May 2023

BMB Perspectives on Marriage

At the end of April we held our first BMB Perspectives Forum on the topic of marriage. This was the first event in a series on Family Life. Chosen after consultation with friends and partners fro …

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One sows and another reaps

10th May 2023

One sows and another reaps

We often quote John 4:37-38 in our training: Jesus said, “the saying ‘one sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you h …

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BMB Discipleship Gatherings 2022

20th Dec 2022

BMB Discipleship Gatherings 2022

Thank you so much for your prayers and giving for our events in October. What a blessed and fruitful fortnight they were!We believe these were the first gatherings of their kind, focussed specifically …

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Expanding our team internationally

30th Mar 2022

Expanding our team internationally

In April 2022 our Training Coordinator retires. Flora Davies has worked with Word of Life for three years, bringing her experience of coordinating other courses and of using the Come Follow Me …

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'Intercultural' church

16th Mar 2022

'Intercultural' church

Recently the phrase 'multicultural church' seems to have been overtaken by 'intercultural church'. What's the difference and does it matter?'Multicultural' refers to different groups living alongside …

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Studying on the move

16th Mar 2022

Studying on the move

In the complicated world of seeking asylum, it can be frustrating to feel like contacts who were growing in their faith have had to move on before either they or we were ready! Some of our partne …

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